30 November, 2008

Doughnut Day 5

Even as our near neighbours down the road are shedding staff to cope with a fall in revenues, Alphabet celebrated closing our biggest deal this week in time-honoured fashion: doughnuts.

Chocolate ones, jam ones, peanut ones, and of course frosted ones (Amelia & my personal favourite). 

It's been a few months since the last one, simply because I've been too busy to pop down the road and get armloads of the sticky pastries. Happily a chance conversation with the members of my editorial team led me to cast my mind back to the last doughnut day - and then Chris stepped in to make the trek down Beach Road to Raffles City. That man is a bloody hero.

Needless to say the result of this sudden doughnut gorging was several hours of slothful afternoon activity, and another notch to untighten on my belt. But there were smiles and contented burps from the rest of the office, and a particularly heartfelt comment from Katrina, our Queen of Admin:

"I’ve heard so much about doughnut day in Alphabet Media, and after being with Alphabet Media for 6 months ------- finally, I’m having my first Alphabet Media doughnut day!!!!!!! J"

So if anyone out there is reading the blog with a view to sizing up whether to join us (don't do it, I'm a slave driver and we're all backstabbing bastards), then please note that Doughnut Days are pleasantly random occurences.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meow James, very catty... maybe the sugar high was wearing off? Rest assured, revenues were up in our 1st half ending Dec 31. And the year of the ox is looking better than ever. Please visit www.prweb.com to track our announcements and feel free to call me if you'd like to check you facts before going to print. Cheers mate!

Wednesday, 28 January, 2009  

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