Day Two

It's only my second day, but already I've covered a lot of ground, almost literally: I've seen more addresses than I knew existed, and that's just Singapore. Just joined as part of an internship, and have spent the first two days sifting through subscription forms, and amending job titles.
To start off, the first day of work went by with a blur of events (thankfully no culture shock or queasiness - though the toilets could benefit from a lick of paint).
The contrast between coming into the office five months ago and coming in yesterday was a bit of a surprise. They have knocked down a wall, and doubled the floor size - so technically they are now 43-45c Beach Road, rather than the old 43c Beach Road.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that the piles of paperwork all over the floor have now disappeared to where they belong, shelves and files, and having our own PCs, telephones and email addresses made us feel part of the team from the first moment.
Being taken out for lunch, and watching my new colleagues interact, joke and laugh - it is clear that Alphabet Media works and operates very much like a family. It is heart-warming and encouraging to hear the way they cheer for each other when a contract comes in and how they wish a person “good luck!” before s/he goes out to meet a client or conduct an interview. Doesn't seem like there is any place for office politics - though I suppose it is early days, and I'll report back if I come across any [Editor: No you won't!!! SNIP, SNIP goes the censor's scissors].
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