Feed the Hungry

The relief effort managed to get through to the weary, half-starved hordes just in time. It looked touch and go for a while though; supplies had been running low in our pantry and people were resorting to ferreting through the piles of paper on my desk in search of some half-eaten carbs to give them that all important mid-afternoon sugar rush.
But thank God for Mercury and Avanade. Alanna (see earlier reports) told me about Mercury's chocolates that: "Mmmh, yummmh ... yes, they're good ... mmhhy, I'll try another one just to be sure."
And Avanade actually personally delivered their bundle of chocs through the worst monsoon to hit Singapore's shores in decades. It's that level of commitment I like to see from the regional solutions provider community. So come on everybody dig deep for the next big charitable cause -- our very own 'Hogmanay Whisky Appeal'.
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