Thanks for the memories

We've finally put the Government Technology Forum to bed - two days, 21 speakers and panellists, seven sponsors, 194 government attendees, 219 bums on seats in all. I think the entire team is tired but happy - so it just remains for me to thank the people who tend to avoid the limelight, in no particular order....
Elaine, for running the operations like a finely-engineered machine. Thanks also for that beef stew. I will get the recipe off you, by hook or by crook.
Eddie, don't know how you do it - but you always do. 227 registered delegates was just exceptional - and then to cap it all, you made them feel welcome when you met them over the course of the event. And we haven't even mentioned the late night preparations in the small hours of Thursday morning ...
Gerald, you ran a pretty tight ship inside the conference venue, and helped me focus on the on-stage conversations, rather than the back-end logistics.
Sachin and Si Mink, you looked after the sponsors, and made new friends along the way. You also got to see what really happens at our events, from the point of view of senior officials building genuine relationships, both with one another, the sponsors, and our editorial team.
Jianggan, you got to meet your audience, and they got to meet you. Thanks also for helping Gerald inside the conference room - and sorry about the headache on Saturday. Occupational hazard...
Melissa, well done on your first event. Standing up infront of 200 people is called a 'baptism of fire' - it only gets easier. So you've now got a great look inside the workings of a high-end, enduser-driven event. We have plenty more of these to come next year!
Alex, what can I say man. If there's ever a free lunch courtesy of PSTM, I can always count on you being there. Seriously, thanks for helping 'the other side' put on a great show. Don't worry, it's your turn next with the Indonesian Transport Forum!!
Captain, thanks for the endless revisions, at all hours to the confer

Sarah and Alanna, thanks for helping Elaine and Edmund, and also for charming pretty much everyone you came in touch with. Thanks also for the late night on Wednesday evening!
[Photos: Top, day 1. Bottom, the survivors' photograph!]
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