01 May, 2007

The Analects of Captain

These PRCs … they can’t open their mouths without pearls of wisdom spilling out. In the case of our mild-mannered Dalian design guru, Wang Zhen – or ‘Captain’ as he prefers to be called – he has turned into a font of sage advice ever since he decided to tread the path of singlehood.

No quiet moment in the office is complete without his husky Liaoning accent proffering some homespun riddle or other.

It is a little known fact but Captain is officially “the nicest man in China”, or rather he was until he left four years ago to find his future here in Singapore. He really is impossibly nice, volunteering to stay in the office all night at the drop of a hat when there’s work to be done, and always cheerily smiling even when you know he’s not quite caught your gist. He’s also Singapore’s finest arm-wrestler, as we have already commented upon in a previous post. But to prove that he is not just a man of feeling and action, but also of wisdom – I present to a wider audience for the first time – the Analects of Captain:
  • "True love is bull shit"
  • "All my best friends are girls"
  • "She calls me babe!"
  • "All humans need sex"


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