16 July, 2007

The Man

Alphabet Media finally got their man when we managed to persuade John Lui to come join our editorial team as our new Deputy Editor. John, as if you didn't know, is one of Asia's best known English-language enterprise technology editors, having worked across a string of the best known general IT magazines in the region.

Besides having a droll sense of humour, the best fringe in Singaporean journalism, and numerous awards for his editorial work - he also is a dead ringer for James Cagney, legendary Hollywood movie star. Don't believe me? Well you try and tell me who's who in the following photographs!

He took one look at our sumptuous offices, rubbed an inquisitive finger across our dust-free flat surfaces, and asked some tough questions about where we wanted to be heading in terms of our content. We gave our answers, then there was a slight pause before he gave us his trademark sideways on grin - on which the team broke out into high-fives all around.
An interesting thing you probably never knew about John is that he can see dead people. Actually that's a complete lie, but what is true is that he plays lead guitar in a band. So far there's only one person in the band. But as we're fond of saying in Alphabet Media, it's small but perfectly formed.


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